Wednesday, October 12, 2011

(3) Changing of the guard

     When we saw G he said "New conflicts have caused lots of switching." He said, "If there are any dormant parts below or behind the inner reality, they have been activated. The system is in jeopardy of switching a lot. The activated ones are standing in the doorway looking out, watching to see what will happen. They will be more affected." Something like that. We wrote it down.
     He said we are incredibly wonderful mighty woman of God. He said "See if the little ones can remain in background in arms of Jesus" because these men are still scaring us when we see them at church. He said to build a wall of protection for the little ones. We said, "A bunker." That is what we wanted because we feel we are in a war and we don't want bombs to fall on our head. He said, "No, someplace nicer." But we want a bunker! Bunkers are strong. We saw them in Normandie. We can decorate it nice inside, like a soft nest with feathers and soft music and pretty colors and flowers.
     He said to pray "Lord, show me spiritually what I can do--fit something with nails and pegs, build a wall, a room of safety."
    We have not done that. he says we are at the back of the brain and sometimes he calls one of us to come to the front. I don't know where we are but mostly we feel safe. Someone told us big angels are marching to replace small angels who have been guarding us. She said Jerry and I have a big angel behind each one of us because we are called to a higher level of authority for a higher level of warfare. She said God called it the changing of the angelic guard. She said we are in God's hand and no one can touch us so we feel brave and safe.
     G said In the authority of Jesus, I bless all the parts, especially the little ones.
     We will talk to him again tomorrow. I want to know what our Daddy did to us.

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