Wednesday, February 15, 2012

First cluster of lies

     "Get to the root of the tree," G keeps reminding me. "Any conflicts you're having in the present are irrelevant; when the earliest conflicts affecting primary identities are resolved, the rest of the conflicts all the way up into the branches will be resolved."
     So each session we ask the Lord to take us to the earliest unresolved conflict. Today it was a cluster of false beliefs:
     I am weak, helpless, unprotected. I have no boundaries.
     We asked God to speak truth to that lie and He said, "You have ego strength. Dissociation was your survival mode. It enabled you to function."
     People can do what they want to me and I have to take it.
     God said, You are smart. Inside you stand up for yourself, determined that 'You can't make me, you can't break me.'
     G said those lies represented the very start of dis-synchronization of the original identity. The whole system developed believing this and split into primary identities.Pain, fear, or anger drives the inner vow I made: "I must take care of myself (because no one else will)."
     He said if any other lie messages are still alive it is because they are rooted in memories that certain parts of me hold so they feel true. He said the Holy Spirit needs to link with those memories and the parts holding those memories and to replace those false beliefs. His truth resolves the lies.

December 1, 2011

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