Saturday, September 17, 2011


     My counselor G gave us an assignment: we are to keep a journal. Having kept a journal all my life, that didn't sound too hard. G said to let everyone write about themselves. In the four years since I found out my own deep, not-so-dark secret, I have already been letting alters write in my journal. April writes in it when we watch hummingbabies in the tree out back or when Jerry makes cream of mint chocolate chip tea for breakfast (peppermint tea with chocolate almondmilk in it). Others have taped in photos or recorded things of interest or concern to them.
     This time it has been different. For one thing, the little ones were all jazzed about having a writing assignment like big kids have and about being able to do it together. After discussion they agreed they didn't want to write in my journal but to have one of their own.
     G had said to focus on "conflict identity and conflict resolution." So, bless them, they started listing conflicts and they elected me (or one of the other big ones) to be secretary and write them down. Here's how they started:

"Hair - to color or not ("to dye or not to dye," somebody put it)
         - length
             -very short and perky (chic)
             -above shoulders
                -all one length
            -long (one said, "that's Biblical!")

When we go shopping, buy food that is  - healthy
                                                              - cheap
                                                              - fun                 Pick only one!"

     There is also the dilemma of the cat. Some feel we should keep trying to find another home for her (they gave their very practical reasons: certain family members have allergies, etc.) Others feel they'd be betraying her if we gave her away. A very little one said earnestly, "We like her!"

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