Thursday, September 1, 2011


     Jenny's color is white. She likes brownies with walnuts and ice cream, picnic food, and collecting things: pictures of movie stars, little glass animals, stamps, coins.
     She is tentative, not exactly sure who she is. She is sensitive, contemplative, even brooding, likes to stay in the background, take things slow, have time to process and reflect. She likes to read. She doesn't like noise, crowds, rushing. Even though she feels lonely and sad, she prefers to be alone. But she also loves to pray for people, do kind, helpful things for them.


  1. jenny my name is lila i saw your post and C said i could answer. she dont want me to say her name cuz someone muight see it and think she is crazy but shes not crazy she is really smart way smarter than me. like really smart. ok well hummmwhat should I say? well ok ill tell you about me i guess. i came when when uhmmmmm that man hurt c. she dont even know what really happened to her and i aint never gonna let her find out cuz shes really nice and she is really sensivive and im afraid that she might not be able to handle it. so i came and protected her so she wouldnt have to think about it no more. im never gonna tell her what really happened. and no one can make it. because i love her and anyways never mind. ok about me well I like all sort of stuff like climbing trees and walking in the woods do you like woods? i love em really much i guess that aint good english but im jus being me. haha anyhow i love mountains and lakes and wild animals and the outdoors stuff so so so much!! one time i took c camping just by ourselves and her dog and we stayed out in the woods all alone without even a tent! it was really cool. I like faries too. I can see em sometimes but they are really shy and dont want you to see em too much. but I like em a lot. i like music so does c and she sings really good but not me well i guees i can sing but im shy sort of. anyhow i am not afraid of much stuff. AND DONT NEVER MESS WITH C OR ELSE thats wht i always say cuz i protect her . she really likes your lady a lot i forgot her name the one who writes this blog thing for all of you guys or do you write it? i dunno know how to do it alone. ok well. anyhow. oh i forgot to tell you im 14 i think or about 14 or 15 but no older. can you swim? i cant. anyhow im a nice person once you know me im not really mean or anything i always protect people who cant protect themselves. once when c's husband before hurt her really bad i got a knif when he was sleeping and i held it over his body but i wouldnt do anything cuz then c would get in real bad trouble but if f i could do it and not get c in trouble then i might have but i wont. but im not bad i just dont wanna see her got HURT! ok well i guess i talked too much and c said to be quiet now. ok then take care and hugyourself from ME! haha! love lila

  2. Thank you for sharing about yourself, Lila. I like you already. You seem nice and fun but tough and kind. I've never seen fairies that I know of. What are they like? Tinkerbell? Or just like sparkles in the air? Some of my friends have seen angels. One friend told me an angel had given me a rose. I wasn't sure I believed her so I asked, "What color?" My friend didn't look up like you do when you are imagining something. She looked right at my hand and said, "Red." So I knew she really saw the angel.

  3. Hi it;s me lila. no fairues are not like tinkerbell that is only in the movies. faries are sort of like light with a body but some dont have a body they are kind of like smoke sort of but they glow. some only have a face and a smoky cloudy body and they are all different colors. i saw a whole bubnch of bright green ones in a patch one time and they had high little voices but i didnt go near them becaue i was kind of scared of those green ones. they seemed nice but you gotta be careful sometimes. some are mean really mean with little black and red eyes and little fat bodies they wear hoods that are pointy and you cant see their face STAY AWAY from them!! that is if you ever see em. c saw an angel when she was 8 i was ther i saw it too it was really tall and big and very very bright . it was standing right in front of her bedroom window and i know for 100 cents certain that it was no way a dream cuz we were awake. dad was poundng something in the basement and we couldnt sleep. it had wings behind its front body on its back i mean. and it glowed with thei brightest light you ever ever seen!!! we were not afraid of it at all. ok bye hugs and love and rainbows!!!oh and cool that you saw the angel!! really cool!!!
