Thursday, August 18, 2011

I don't intend to be weird

     I read some other blogs today that I think may have been written by people with multiple identities. (That's what Diane Hawkins of Restoration in Christ Ministries calls us in her book of that name. Not multiple personalities. I've ordered the book but it hasn't arrived yet so I don't know whether there is a distinction and whether it matters.)
     Some of the other blogs were weird. Like, creepy. I don't want our blog to become creepy.

     We just want a safe place to play.

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to even bring this us isn't it without people thinking we are weird! I remember years and years ago reading about "multiple personality disorder" as it was called. I thought "how scary"! And then, several years ago I found out- I am one and never knew. Perhaps because I only have one alter (that I know of) that I had no clue. How I found out is an absolutely amazing story that to date it hard for even ME to grasp. Perhaps someday I'll tell the story on here...(I think I told it to you in an email once...right?) I will say that I had no idea that it was absolutely possible to enter another person's "landscape". Landscape is the word I use for the inside-spiritual world that the alters live in. But that is exactly what happened to me. I suddenly found myself inside of someone's landscape. This person was someone I loved fiercely and I knew they were a multiple. They were having serious trouble in the unseen world and I was in agony praying about it-when-suddenly...there I was IN their landscape. I was able to describe everything perfectly to that person-much to their astonishment! Anyhow...aside from all of THAT I am perfectly normal and unless I told someone- they would never know. SO, all that to say...I'm glad for this blog. We are not weird. We've just been terrible wounded and this was God's way (strange as it may seem) of protecting our minds. Lots of love. C
