Saturday, October 6, 2012

In the doorway

I watch myself from inside the dark stable.
It is really a prison, lined with cells
but there is straw on the floor.

I know mine.

I don't think there is anyone in
any of the other cells.

But I live in mine.

All the doors are slightly ajar
and the walkway between the rows
is open at one end.
Outside is blue sky
golden with sunshine
and the sounds of
happy children.

I see myself
standing in the doorway,
looking out--
emaciated figure
in open shoes
several sizes too big.

What is she starving for?

She wants to go out
but she is afraid
she is too small
they won't notice her
and she'll be trampled underfoot.

And if she needs to,
where can she hide?

Jesus is saying,
Come hide in My robes.
But the cell is dark and familiar.
There is a big, rough, hairy beast in my cell,
only in mine,
but that is familiar, too.
It is fear.

There is a chain from it to me.
I watch
as she uses the chain
to pull herself through the darkness
back to the comfort of the beast.

(August 11, 2012)

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