Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Map of us

     G told us to make a map of ourselves. We know a few things but we don't know how to depict them in map or graph form. (The sample G showed us had circles scattered around, linked with lines, kind of like a genealogical chart.) We'll just list derivations.

    April is not the Original Self. Original Self is deep in the mattress beside Daddy, asleep or in an induced coma for her protection. April came from the Original Self. April is lying along the top of the buried one.
     Melissa split from April, carrying shame. Jess and Jenny split from Melissa in opposite directions at the same time and Melissa went to hide in the closet and pretend she doesn't exist.
     I am an Observer/Recorder who must have pre-existed some of the others. I'm not aware of having a name or knowing my origin. I'm "out" to fill a role.
     Jessica (All-about-Survival) seems to be a primary one--if primary means feeling "This is really me!"--but I thought primary ones have to feel they are the "age of the body," capable of growing rather than stuck at a specific age, and she's only seven.
     And the one Jessica calls "Walks-on-Water" seems to be a primary one.
     That's all I know. Actually, that's more than I know. Some of it is just guessing.
     I have no idea about Amy, Alexis/Iris/Diedre, Emily, the Pain Person, or any of the other one or more Jessicas. If someone else does, feel free to make additions or corrections.
     I see G tomorrow.

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